Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Performance tuning for Samba on Fedora 9

When I first set up Samba on my Fedora 9 server, the access speed was not very impressive to say the least.

So I googled a little, and I found out that I can get some speedups if my disk do not record the file access time as my application reads and writes to files very often. I added the noatime option to the entry for my share partition in "/etc/fstab" like:
UUID=????? /data ext3 defaults,noatime 1 1

I did get some speed increase after this, but it is still slower than a native Windows Share.

So I googled some more, and I found:

I added the following options to "/etc/samba/smb.conf":

dead time = 15

The speed increase is quite dramatic, but it is still slower than a native Windows Share. Still not sure if the "dead time" option helps, but I just don't have to time to test it out.

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